On the occasion of the 4th week of Italian cuisine in the world (18-24 November 2019) the italian Embassy in Switzerland and the Swiss delegation of Coni organized a sporting / educational event dedicated to young people and parents. The event took place on 1 December 2019 in Zurich. The program of the event included a conference on nutrition and sport, held by Dr. Gaudimonte at the Al 21 Restaurant, followed by an intervention by the champion Valentina Rosamilia (16 years old), reigning Triathlon champion both in Italy and in Switzerland. and currently in 3rd place in the 800m flat world rankings (in its category).
From 12.00, at the Sihlhölzi sports center (Zurich), targeted sports activities were held for children aged 8-14, in a gym prepared for the occasion by two coaches.
At the end of the races all at the Al 21 Restaurant, where a lunch was offered based on Italian products designed for sportsmen of all ages, prepared by Chef Stefano Maruccia in close collaboration with Dr. Gaudimonte.
The "Week of Italian Cuisine in the World" is the annual thematic review dedicated to the promotion of quality Italian cuisine and food products, promoted by the network of Embassies, Consulates, Italian Cultural Institutes and ICE Offices in the world.